With thousands of triathlons held every year, It seems sensible that more individuals are eager to start triathlons given the sport's rising popularity. But where do you even begin? Check Out our...
Category: Gear
While it’s ultimately down to personal preference, getting a running watch is most likely to be worth it if one wants to accurately track his/her running metrics. Running watches can broadly be...
Universally hailed as the world’s first sports drink, Gatorade was developed by scientists from the University of Florida way back in 1965. The story goes that many of the school’s football...
Do Olympic Swimmers Wear Nose Clips Or Earplugs? Which One To Use!
Olympic swimmers commonly use nose clips and earplugs. Public swimming pools contain dirt, chlorine, and other chemicals. These devices protect water, with its harmful contents, from getting into the...
Do Running Shoes Stretch? (Simple Guide For Picking The Right Size)
Generally speaking, your running shoes shouldn’t stretch in length, but they may become slightly looser over time. The exact amount of stretch will depend on your shoe’s construction and the...
Whether sitting in a box, on a shelf, or being used for running, running shoes will eventually degrade or wear out and will need to be replaced. In other words, running shoes have a shelf life and...