Shoes that have been serving you well will suddenly start giving you blisters when they are worn out. Shoes that have seen a fair bit of use tend to stretch out and will not be keeping your foot in...
? An experienced professional rider can change a tire in as little as 2 minutes, while a less experienced rider may take between 15 and 20 minutes. The world record for a tire change is 45 seconds...
Can athletes rest during triathlon swim leg? A triathlete can stop in the mid of a swim leg and hold onto a kayak, buoy, dock, or any stationary object they find as they swim without getting...
Swimming will always have inherent dangers, however the average number of people who die per year while open-water swimming in the UK is just 19. This is under 5% of the total number of drownings...
Triathletes should be consuming around 3,000-4,000 calories per day during training. Around 60 percent of these calories should come from carbohydrates, 20 percent should come from fat and 20 percent...
The triathlon sport offers lots of advantages to kids. These advantages include strength building, endurance, self-confidence, and a sense of independence.