Is It Cheaper To Buy Or Build Your Own Tri Bike? Here Is A Better Option!
It is not cheaper to build your own bike and this is particularly true of entry-level and mid-level bikes
Is It Cheaper To Buy Or Build Your Own Tri Bike? Here Is A Better Option!
It is not cheaper to build your own bike and this is particularly true of entry-level and mid-level bikes
Do You Need A Racing Belt For Triathlon? Their Cost, Substitutes & How To Pick One
While race organizers do not require athletes to wear a race belt, the majority are specific about having the race number clearly visible in the bike and run portion of the race. While race belts are...
What Is The Toughest Part Of Any Triathlon? Here Is The Most Important Thing To Do !
What makes triathlons exceptionally challenging is the cost of joining, having the right mindset, enduring the run without getting burned out from the previous two disciplines, and finding the time...
How Long Is The Swim Portion Of A Triathlon? Number of Swimming Lessons You Need
There are many different distances for triathlons and more extreme versions are being created every year, however, the main 5 distances are Super-Sprint, Sprint, Olympic, Half Ironman (also known as...
So, how to dress for a rainy triathlon & what to wear in a cold triathlon? We have listed here some gear designed for this purpose, worn by triathletes in rain as well as in cold triathlons for you...
Can You Be Muscular and A Triathlete? Is Triathlon The Ultimate Fitness Workout!
It is possible for one to cross the finish line and be muscular as an enthusiast triathlete, earning the title "muscular triathlete", but it is unfavored in the professional competitive category.