How Much Does Prescription Swimming Goggle Cost? Types and How To Pick One

Despite having blurry vision, you don’t have to trade your ability to see underwater because there is an excellent option for you.

This excellent option is the use of prescription swimming goggles. You might have considered wearing your swimming goggles over your prescription glasses, which is not exactly a bad idea. But this is not the best way for you to enjoy your swims.

Prescription swimming goggles are just like the usual swimming goggles but with specially manufactured lenses.

These specially manufactured lenses may be premade based on the diopter scale or custom-made to suit the accurate prescription of the swimmer.

If this is your first time discovering the existence of prescription swimming goggles, certainly, you are also curious about the cost of prescription swimming goggles.

So, what is the cost of prescription swimming goggles? The average cost of the diopter prescription swimming goggles is 42USD ranging between 13 USD and 72 USD while the average cost of custom-made prescription swimming goggles is 90 USD ranging between 45 USD and 110 USD.

It is apparent that the diopter prescription glasses are more accessible and cheaper than the custom-made prescription glasses and, their prices vary from one swim store or brand to another. Check out our recommended prescription google sold on Amazon (Amazon link)

Also, check out How Much Should Swim Goggles Cost? How To Pick One

Here is a table that we compiled that shows the prices of some diopter prescription swimming goggles and custom-made prescription swimming goggles.

Diopter Prescription Swimming GogglesPrices (USD)Custom made Prescription Swimming GogglesPrices (USD)
Hilco Vantage Adult prescription Swim Goggles41Wiley-X- Propulsion Swim Goggles108
Barracuda Standard prescription Swim Goggle72Progear HSV-1302 Swim Goggles120
Splaqua Prescription Swim Goggles40Seavision Swimvision Goggles45
Hilco Velocity Prescription Swim Goggles45Liberty Sport Shark Swim Goggles110.50
View V-500 Platina Swim Goggles 13.50Aquaviz OTS Prescription Swim Mask70
Comparing Custom-made and Diopter prescription swimming goggles prices.

How to buy the correct prescription swimming goggles?

To buy the right prescription swimming goggles, you have to take note of the following main three points:

  • Know about the diopter lenses – These diopter lenses are made similar to the usual reading glasses and are manufactured to match the prescription of the glasses given to you by the optician. Although these diopter lenses do not exactly match your original prescription from the optician, they will do a good work of providing good vision in the already blurry environment of the underwater. They are also readily available and affordable. The two types of diopter lenses are the negative diopter lenses and the positive diopter lenses. The negative diopter lenses are for shortsighted swimmers while the positive diopter lenses are for long-sighted swimmers.
  • Discover your diopter strength – Now that you know the types of diopter lenses, you have to find your diopter strength that matches your original prescription. You should seek your optician for advice on your right diopter strength.
  • Choose your preferred goggle frame style – Now you know your diopter strength, you should choose the goggle frame that best suits you. There are various sleek-looking google frames to choose from and, you could try many until you get the right one that suits you perfectly. Be sure to buy the corresponding goggle frame for the lens you have purchased. (Source)

Types Of Swimming Lens Tints To Choose From

When buying prescription swimming goggles, you would also like to consider the type of lens tints suitable for you and the swim you decide to have. Here are different lens tints to choose from:

  • Clear lens tint- This lens tint is suitable for swimming in the area of low light during nighttime.
  • Blue lens tint- This lens tint helps to enhance visibility while swimming underwater.
  • Dark lens tint – This lens tint helps acts as an anti-glare while swimming.

Most times, the lens tints depend on personal preference and other factors. These factors may include; the surrounding lights and the amount of copper sulfate in the water. (Source)

Who Can Use Prescription Swimming Goggles?

Prescription swimming goggles are for anyone that needs corrective glasses to go about their daily activities. Such a person will require prescription swimming goggles to help them see underwater.

These corrective glasses might be for shortsightedness (myopia) or long-sightedness (hyperopia). Regardless, anyone with corrective glasses may use prescription swimming goggles.

Also, check out or post on How to Handle Triathlons If You Wear Glasses or Contacts ?!

Where to buy prescription swimming goggles

Many swim stores sell prescription swimming goggles, and these come in different styles. Examples of such credible swim stores include Swimaholic, Proswimwear, Sporteyes, Swimoutlet, and so on.

What are some prescription Swimming goggles  

Examples of some prescription swimming goggles include – 

  • The WarmieHomy optical prescription swimming goggles – These prescription swimming goggles come with changeable nose pieces and silicone straps. They also have anti-fog and antiglare protection lenses. 
  • Speedo vanquisher prescription swimming goggles – These prescription swimming goggles come with anti-fog and antiglare layers. They also have mirror lenses that help enhance vision while in water. They are considered very stylish and comfortable with their different nose pieces you could try on until you get a perfect fit. 
  • Sable water optics flat lens prescription swimming goggles – The flat lens technology of these swimming goggles makes them fit for competitive swimmers as they provide optimal vision while swimming. This type of goggles is very stylish and expensive with an anti-fog and antiglare protection layer. They have different nose pieces you could try on until you get a perfect fit. 
  • TYR Blackhawk optical racing goggle – This is a prescription swimming goggle suitable for swimmers with different eye prescriptions. They come with interchangeable lenses. They are comfortable and affordable. This is good for someone on a budget. 
  • UTOBest prescription swimming goggles – These prescription swimming goggles come with polarized lenses and anti-fog coating. What sets these prescription swimming goggles apart is that they come with nose clips and earplugs, unlike the others. 
  • Dr. B Barracuda Optical Swim Goggles – These prescription goggles are very expensive but provide razor-cut vision. It is also very durable with its silicone straps. 
  • Zionor G7 Optical swimming goggles – This prescription swimming goggle is considered the best overall of all types. It comes with hypoallergic silicone with anti-fog and antiglare lenses. The lenses are usually tinted and, their lens strengths are towards the negative diopter scale. (Source)

Here is a video showing different types of Prescription swimming goggles.

How To Care For Your Prescription Swimming Goggles

Considering that some of these prescription swimming goggles are expensive, it’s important you care for them well enough to avoid damage. Here are tips on how to care for your prescription swimming goggles:

  • After every swim, wash your prescription swimming goggles with water to get rid of the impurities or harsh chemicals that might be on them and leave them to air dry.
  • Avoid using soap to wash your prescription swimming goggles as these could destroy the anti-fog later.
  • Avoid touching your prescription swimming goggle lens as they might also cause deterioration to the anti-fog layer.
  • Store your prescription swimming goggles in a cool environment preferably in the pouch they came in.

Non-prescription  Vs Prescription Swimming goggles? Cost comparision

So, how much does non-prescription swimming goggles cost? The non-prescription swimming goggles are much cheaper than prescription swimming goggles. On Average, they cost 24.50 USD ranging from 20 USD – 28 USD. Unlike prescription swimming goggles, they can be bought from any convenience store. 

We compiled the table below to come up with the above conclusion.

Non-Prescription Swimming GogglesPrice (USD)
Gator Competition Plano swimming goggle20
Head Vision Plano swimming goggle25
Aqua Sphere Eagle Plano swimming goggle25
Polarized Plano swimming goggle28
List of some non-prescription swimming goggles and their prices.

Is It Possible To See Underwater Without Swimming Goggles?

It is possible to see underwater without wearing swimming goggles. But, you won’t see clearly. Right from birth, we had adapted to seeing above water with air in contact with our eyes.

So, having water directly in contact with our eyes causes blurry vision. The blurry vision is due to the change in refractive index as light travels slowly in water compared to air.

Also check out: Big Head Swim Caps: Should you Use One? Everything You Need To Know!

 Final thoughts

Swimming underwater can be very daunting for swimmers with visual impairments. These visual impairments could include shortsightedness (myopia), long-sightedness (hyperopia), or astigmatism. These issues make seeing underwater very difficult that’s why using prescription swimming goggles is highly recommended.

Some of these prescription goggles are expensive but, there are many, which are affordable and durable. You should get these prescription swimming goggles from well-recommended brands or swim stores. You could decide to get the diopter prescription swimming goggles or the custom-made swimming goggles.

On average the cost of the diopter prescription swimming goggles is 42 USD ranging between 13 USD and 72 USD while the average cost of custom-made prescription swimming goggles is 90 USD ranging between 45 USD and 110USD.

Although the custom made swimming goggles provides the best visibility underwater, it is not readily available and affordable like the diopter prescription swimming goggles.  

Non-prescription swimming goggles are less expensive than prescription swimming goggles. on average they cost 24.50 USD ranging from 20 USD – 28 USD. But getting a prescription swimming goggle is a good investment, as it helps provide maximum visibility underwater. 

While getting prescription swimming goggles, be sure to contact your optician to tell you correctly your diopter strength. Also, Ensure to care for your prescription swimming goggles to avoid damage. 

Bonus read

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An extreme triathlete who have competed in dozens of triathlons including IronMans and Extreme triathlons.

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