It is not a good idea to run in water shoes for any substantial length of time. Not only do water shoes have very little cushioning or support built into them, but they would also cause significant...
Category: Swim
How Young Can Olympic Swimmers, Cyclists, and Runers Can Be?
Each country sets its limits for participating in many Olympic sports, including swimming. According to the Olympic rules, qualifying swimmers of any age are allowed to participate. Team USA...
Defying Age: Who Was the Oldest Olympian? Inspirational Tales
At the forefront of these legends stands Oscar Swahn of Sweden, who, at 72 years old, competed in the 1920 Olympics in shooting. Not only did he participate, but he also went on to win a silver medal...
Why Do Swimmers Slap Themselves Before Racing? Is It Helpful!
While the idea of swimmers engaging in self-inflicted slaps before a race may sound peculiar, it serves a purpose.
How Long After Bleaching Hair Can You Swim? What Happens if You Swim Too Early!
Some experts recommend waiting only 24-72 hours before getting back in the water- pool or ocean- to swim while others recommend at least 7 (sometimes 10) days. Ultimately, the exact wait time will...
It might be a horn, a whistle, a shout or even some kind of honking noise. More than likely, that same noise has been present during training so the athlete has been conditioned to listen for it....